
Stuff I have made,
Shiny, dull, smallish, big-ish;
A graveyard, of sorts.

Language Learning Application (Dec. 2018)
Cross-platform app for learning to read and write Chinese Characters.

Facial Recognition Musical Instrument (Oct. 2018)
Plays sound based off facial landmark detection using Python and MaxMSP.

Generative Business Cards (Sep. 2018)
Experiment in teaching computer program to design business cards.

Reddit Logo Generator (Aug. 2018)
Logo Generator for made for /r/proceduralgeneration subreddit

Pattern Generator (Feb. 2018)
Pattern generator through iterative combination.

Embol (Dec. 2017)
Video game about social anxiety made for Ludum Dare 40.

Interactive Comic Editor (Sep. 2017)
Experimental editor for making comics for the web.

Cthulhu Tarot (May. 2017)
Tarot deck inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft.

Nymero (Oct. 2016)
Tool for remembering long numbers using the Mnemonic Major System.

Perceptual Shift (Mar. 2016)
Combine two words into a single word that can be read as either.

Sprite Generator (Dec. 2015)
Video game sprite generator based on Dave Bollinger's Pixel Spaceships.