
December, 2017

Embol is a game I made about social anxiety. Made for Ludum Dare 40 (theme: The more you have, the worse it is).

The title of the game was inspired by the word embolalia which refers to certain verbal expressions such as pause filters (e.g. “Like”, “Um”, “Uh”) and other formulaic speech.

Embol GIF

Embol has been my most complete and fun game I have created for Ludum Dare. I am very happy with how it turned out.

Ludum Dare Ratings

(ranking out of 1040 compo games)

Overall 58th
Fun 53rd
Innovation 11th
Theme 100th
Graphics 241st
Audio 210th
Humor 28th
Mood 31st

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Ludum Dare Page
Source code